
The aim of this Project is to give support to professionals in acquisition and generation of knowledge in critical thinking, management and decision-making methods that will allow the confrontation of the necessary changes to adopt an intelligent industry inside a globalized knowledge society.

The main objective of ThinkIndustry! Project is the development of a platform that will allow teachers:

-Get knowledge about new production technologies through a critical thinking method that transform the perspective of new products or processes from user or operator of production systems through creators and innovators

-Incorporate in their management activities and making-decision methodological processes that support from the collected knowledge trough their experience

The platform development is centred in three pillars:

-Knowledge basis: saved knowledge that it is divided in two groups, the first one formed by methodological processes that contain formative or support processes in the management and in the decision-making that follow a method about critic and creative thinking. The second contains the collected information that would allow the system take out suggestions and conclusions.

-Expert system: the collected information will be able to take indicators or conclusions that would allow the user to improve his/her knowledge in the management or decision-making.

-Tools: Users will be able to create and manage knowledge basis as well as follow the methodological processes already defined.

The development of a platform of like that will implicate the compliance of several technological objectives:

-Creation of an intelligent system for the knowledge system:

  • Platform that will be able to collect the knowledge coming from the critic and creative thinking methods together with experience of the professional users.

-Methodological processes creation and management tools.

  • Allow users create, manage and execute the formative and support processes in the industrial environment.
  • Accesible tools group from different types of devices and platforms that allow the collaboration in real time.

-Development of an expert system for the support of the industrial processes.

  • Expert system that is able to take out results and conclusions from the collected information about the processes and the historic results method in its tracking.
This project contemplates the achievement of some socio-economic objectives:-Train users teachers to innovators.

  • Allows professionals to achieve some skills and tools for use and exploit existent solutions, to innovate and create new opportunities.

-Help in the industrial tissue transformation throug new productive and organizational guides.

-Invigorate the collaboration and transfer of the knowledge.

-Empoderate to the society from the critical and creative thinking.















